
Welcome! My name is Sheree Lattimore. I am 22 years old and from Erlanger, Kentucky. My hometown is Louisville, Kentucky, where I lived and grew up for the majority of my life. I am now living in Cape Town, South Africa, as a solo female backpack traveler. I have a YouTube channel known as JustVibeRee and a podcast titled Nothing Real. Both are platforms that help people all across the world for social connections today as creators and help them live the lives they desire every day.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


Welcome! My name is Sheree Lattimore. I've been living in Cape Town, South Africa, for a month, and I've experienced over ten of the most popular tourist activities in Cape Town as a solo female backpacker. I will love to share with you my top 5 favorite activities, with a rating of 1–10 and also including the price.


My experience hiking Lions Head sunrise was SPEECHLESS. I woke up very early, around 5:30 a.m. SAST, and met up with some buddies I met at the hostel I was staying at. It was a group of six, all together, including me. It is always safe to go with at least one person. I don't suggest going on any hikes by yourself. It was pitch dark when we first arrived, and I had never hiked in the dark before, so my mind was shocked, but I felt safe with my new friends. Two of my friends were fast hikers, and three of them were very slow, which made me catch up at a steady pace with the group and stay in between everyone. So there are two routes for hiking Lions Head: one is the "easy" route, which has no chains and no climbing, and the other is the "difficult" route, which is not that difficult at all. I promise, I hiked this mountain twice on the difficult route, and I'm not an experienced hiker, so if you could climb up some rocks and climb some ladders, you'd be okay, but if you are scared of heights, then take the easy route. The heights are honestly not that bad, but this is coming from a person who loves scary roller coasters. The difficult route is also the quickest way up the mountain, so by taking this route, you will have more time to enjoy the sunrise. Now the best part we've all been waiting for is the sunset. The view was SPEECHLESS It was a cloudy day, but not too cloudy, so we were able to see the clouds, city, beach, and other mountains all at once. This was breath-taking, so I highly suggest watching the sunrise on a cloudy morning because it will eventually fade away slowly. So make sure you bring some snacks, water, a small bag, cameras, and some cool friends or strangers from hiking groups. Just stay safe.


RATE: 10/10


Aquila Game Reserve was almost my number one top pick for favorite attractions, but this game reserve was amazing. I spent the whole day here. I started off leaving my hostel around 6:30 AM. I got picked up by my private driver, whose name was Mike he was incredible. So the location was a 2-hour drive from where I stayed, but on the way, I had the chance to visit the Breede River Valley and had an amazing view on the way to the attractions. My driver drove me to this local coffee shop with amazing coffee and this small local store in the middle of nowhere with the best body care, fruits, and even clothes, all sold and made by the local farmers. When we made it to Aquila, I was greeted with a welcome drink. You have the choice of sparkling wine or juice, and of course I grabbed the wine. I still had an hour left until the actual game reserve started, so they fed us a luxury treatment buffet, so I made sure I ate before the safari because it was 4 hours long. Aquila also has hotel rooms and a spa on site, where you can stay multiple days as well. The site is beautiful, but I only stayed one day. Once the game reserve started, my private driver Mike made sure I had the best seat, which I did. I was in the front row right behind the driver, and unexpectedly, I met another solo black traveler, a female and that was the best feeling ever because it was actually hard to find other solo travelers outside a hostel. Her name is Davin Shaleen. She is a mining engineer and content creator. We started to collaborate and help each other take pictures and videos for our content and memory throughout the game reserve, and wow, that is a lifesaver for solo travelers. 
The tour guide was pretty chill, and he knew a lot of information on all the animals. The back story is that a man bought a lot of land, saved a lot of rescued wildlife animals, and put them inside a gate area, but it wasn't like a zoo. All the animals seemed really happy, and there was so much space for all of them to live their lives. I also saw the big 5 besides one, which is an elephant, rhino, lion, buffalo, and leopard, but I didn't get to see the leopards; they don't come out as much in the midday time, but this was an amazing experience and also my first game reserve experience ever. If you've ever been to one, this is like a mini-version, but if not, this is a game start.

COST: $245.35 USD {BORN IN AFRICA TOURS}  +  {AQUILA FEE} 93.10 =  TOTAL 338.45
RATE: 9/10   If I stayed a night, 10/10; they have other activities for guests. (such as horseback riding, quad biking, spa, morning/midday/night game reserve.)


Quad biking in the Atlantis Dunes was really fun. I went solo and had an amazing private driver named Salim Yusuf (he has been my main driver since I was here in Cape Town, South Africa). I recommend him to anyone and everyone, even locals. Atlantis Dunes was an hour and a half from the Gardens area in Cape Town. I headed out mid-morning. On the way to Atlantis Dunes, they had a sign indicating where it was located, but it was very difficult to understand. I personally feel like the company should give better details on the locations because the GPS took us to the opposite side in the middle of nowhere. Besides having a hard time finding the location on the maps, once we arrived, I was all set up and ready to go. Lucky for me, from the time I booked, I was the only one in my group, so it was only me and the tour guide. We drove around the dessert for an hour, and my tour guide took a lot of photos and videos for me. My tour guide even recorded a 9-minute video of me. It was fun. The only problem was that my thumb started to feel really tired and cramped after 20 minutes of holding the button down to drive. So if I were to do this again, I would try the sandboarding experience instead. My tour guide also flipped over his quad bike, hitting another tour guide. It was an accident because he turned around to check and see if I was okay. Then, next thing you know, 5 seconds later, BOOM, he smacked another tour guide and flipped off his bike. Everyone was shocked and concerned, but he hopped right back on like it was nothing and laughed it off (he was okay). Overall, this experience was really fun, and my inner child was really happy. It just felt like a movie.

COST: $30.38 USD

RATE: 8.5/10

Private Driver: Salim Yusuf { }

Now that wraps up my experience for my TOP 3 TOURIST ATTRACTIONS in Cape Town, South Africa, I hope you enjoy it, and don't forget to give me a follow for more exciting blogs on my solo travel journey and leave a comment down below if you want to hear more topics on other tourist attractions I've attended.


Other Social Media Platforms: Do you enjoy my travel content? Well, I offer travel images and films on Fiverr for a reasonable price to travel agencies, businesses, commercials, and others. I'd love to help your business grow. Do you struggle with developing your own thumbnails, intros, outros, and so on? Well, I design and offer high-quality material for a fair price on Fiverr. I would love to help you out.

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