
Welcome! My name is Sheree Lattimore. I am 22 years old and from Erlanger, Kentucky. My hometown is Louisville, Kentucky, where I lived and grew up for the majority of my life. I am now living in Cape Town, South Africa, as a solo female backpack traveler. I have a YouTube channel known as JustVibeRee and a podcast titled Nothing Real. Both are platforms that help people all across the world for social connections today as creators and help them live the lives they desire every day.

Monday, July 15, 2024


Stop judging your creation. You finally found the spark to start creating again, and then you slowly started to lose it again only because you started judging yourself. You noticed your friends and family don’t support you like you thought they would, but I'm here to tell you it's not their job. If you believe in your creations, you don’t need anyone to cheer you on. It comes from seeking validation from others. Remember that numbers such as likes, views, and comments do not define you. Just because your project is not big doesn’t mean it's not great. In today's society, people assume the biggest views are the greatest success, but what if you started viewing things a bit differently?

For example, you started a new business, but did you know there are millions of people who dream of starting a business but never will because of fear? But you started it, and that’s all that matters. You only fail at something if you quit, but if you never quit, you will never fail. Another thing that helps is turning off your likes and comments. This helps you not compare yourself to others and also allows you to simply post freely. Don’t let your creation feel like your 9-5, even if you get paid for it, because once your creativity starts to feel like a job, you lose that spark you once had.

For the longest time, I would always be consistent in posting my content, podcasts, YouTube videos, and more. Then, all of a sudden, I would stop, not just for a few weeks but for months, sometimes even the rest of the year, but why? That’s because I put so much pressure on myself that I started to create what I think people want to see, not what I want to see for myself. I used to study the algorithm for hours just so I could feel like I was ahead out of the crowd to be seen, until I came to the realization that I AM THE ALGORITHM. There is really no cheat code to content creation, starting a business, learning a skill, and more. The real cheat code is just having fun. The algorithm is based on everyone's creations; it changes so frequently that there's no way you can crack the code and be successful all of a sudden.

The person who is having the most fun is the most successful. Not the most money, materials, views, likes, and so on. The whole point of creating anything is finding your purpose inside of it, and even if it fails, so what? Because all paths lead to the same destination, no matter what. You have to go through the judgment of others: 0 people ignoing your business, 1000 no, declined applications, and more. Remember, all it takes is one yes, one sell, one video, one call, etc. that can simply change your life.

Peace and love,

She’Ree Lattimore


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