
Welcome! My name is Sheree Lattimore. I am 22 years old and from Erlanger, Kentucky. My hometown is Louisville, Kentucky, where I lived and grew up for the majority of my life. I am now living in Cape Town, South Africa, as a solo female backpack traveler. I have a YouTube channel known as JustVibeRee and a podcast titled Nothing Real. Both are platforms that help people all across the world for social connections today as creators and help them live the lives they desire every day.

Monday, July 15, 2024


I quit my job now. What do I do?

I quit my job, which means I’m a fool.

Sometimes I feel like I’m not human because I don’t want to play by the rules. Everyone thinks we are free from slavery, but I disagree. It’s 2024, and we're still getting whipped by everything. We are whipped by our phones, whipped by our jobs, whipped by our processed foods, whipped by the president and the government, whipped by society, and whipped by the judgments of others. Is this earth? Why do we believe everything that adults tell us? Yes, I am only 22 going on 23, but does that mean my age defines me? They say, ‘Oh, you’re young, so you will never understand’ but little do they know "understand" means I’m underneath everything I stand by. So, I don’t understand; I INNERstand; I see and question everything. They call you delusional when you don’t want to play by the rules, but is it delusion or is it the truth? Once you feel free, everyone thinks you’re just a flea. How long can we live like this? How long will it take for humans to realize everything that was told to our faces is just a maze? A maze to money, a maze to processions, a maze to pointless material things, and most importantly, a maze right back to our jobs.

When you question reality, prepare to feel helpless, hopeless, and sometimes even homeless. I left the States on May 30th and sold almost everything. I only brought a backpack and carry on nothing else. Sadly, I had to leave my dog behind just for the time being; he is safe with my mother, but I wanted to leave the States to see how others operate. I land in Cape Town, South Africa, and it’s been 1 month ½ now. Since this journey started, I’ve met humans across the world, and I realized we are all in the same boat. Yes, some countries might be worse than others, but we are all under a ridge system. Well, how can you escape? How can you win? And most importantly, how can you break this system called the matrix? Well, I don’t know, I’m only a random being out of 9358590895394 plus in this world, so why does my voice matter? Maybe it matters and maybe it doesn’t, but I cannot continue to live in silence. I cannot act like everything is normal. Day by day, I wake up, and I think to myself, Why do I fear my bank account? Why do I fear how much money I have left? Why do I feel like getting a job again? And why do I fear I need a job again? Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you that I obviously quit my job before I left the states, and I do not have any passive income. Yes, I have skills that can bring income, but so far it hasn’t because I know nothing about the get-rich-quick scheme. So, you might think, Am I crazy? I took the risk that all my money would run out, and I could go from living my “best life in South Africa” to sleeping on my mama's couch again, finding another job just to get by. 

You might still wonder what the point of this is. Or you might be aware of the "matrix": but rather just follow in line like the rest because life is too hard to escape it. Well, every day I have a vision of building a community of people living off-grid, such as by growing our own food, making our own clothes, studying our own medicine, creating our own schools, having a big land, and taking care of amazing animals that we don’t eat and only take care of. In a village where people are free and money doesn’t exist, there is only love, sharing, and exchange. But when I say village, others might think broken-down mud huts, no Wi-Fi, poor people, and so on and so on. But look around for a sec at the house or apartment you live in. Who said we couldn't own that? The rent and mortgage you are paying are only making someone else richer than yourself, and even if you consider yourself rich, others are still struggling. Why not invest in something that doesn’t just help you, but others as well? I believe the universe or God, whoever you believe in put us on this earth to connect, not to fight.

Living in the matrix you are fighting your life away. You are fighting to simply be human, and you can’t tell me this is normal. We all got brainwashed since BIRTH. We all got STAMPED since birth! We even received a birth certificate and social security number to define us. But open your eyes and question why? The answer is 3 words. POWER, CONTROL, AND MONEYYYYYY. These countries are no longer countries it is a BUSINESS, and we are all working in it not living in it. People just found land and claimed it as there’s then took over ever since. There is no way for the next 100 years we will allow the next generations to suffer like this. You might think you are hopeless and have no say but barely 1% can simply change 1000 problems in this world. Coming together as humans will change SOMETHING, maybe you will regain your freedom and maybe NOT but at least you tried! The most important thing is to not give up. Now are you thinking okay She’Ree whatever we all know about the red pill and blue pill matrix bullshit so what do you want us to quit our jobs too? No, I don’t I want you to FIGHT BACK and I’m not talking about a riot lol I’m talking about fight back for freedom. Take control of the system just like they are taking control of you. 

You don’t have to quit your job you can simply continue to work BUT create an escape plan and I don’t mean go to school for 5 years and learn everything THEY want to teach us. I’m saying teach YOURSELF SOMETHING mostly everything you know is from someone else but yourself. When have you TRUST YOURSELF. Learn a skill and stack as much money as you can but instead of wasting it on pointless shit like McDonalds, high dollar brands, car notes you can’t afford just to look flashy. All those things and more are just a distraction so you can’t teach yourself. You’ll be too distracted scrolling social media and eating food with 50 plus chemicals inside. Instead invest your money in LAND, EDUCATION (OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL AKA THE GOV, THEY WILL ONLY TEACH YOU WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO KNOW). Invest in seeds for food, invest in homes to last, invest in something that will be bigger than YOURSELF because when you die you will be forgotten which is okay but ill rather die leaving a positive mark humanity vs dying living in the system, they made for us.

Like I said, I am only 22 years old. I can’t do everything myself, and trust me, I don’t know everything. I’m just a kid, and you are too. WE ARE ALL BIG KIDS WALKING AROUND THIS EARTH LIKE WE KNOW IT ALL. But let’s take a step back from this ridge society and look at ourselves. You are the only person who can create a new change unless they continue changing you. Throw away your fears, and trust me, your fears will always be there. What matters is which path you take—fear or alignment? I fear a lot of things. I fear I will go broke, I fear I will be looked at crazy, I fear nobody will listen, and this world will be working to death for the next 100 years. I will be the only one crying for help to be human again, and I say again because we all have been here before, maybe not physically but definitely spiritually. 

Your ancestors taught you everything within yourself, but if you shut out the world just for a few minutes, you will hear the answers and the calling you’ve been seeking your whole life. No matter if you are 50 years old plus or 14 and everything you need to know is inside of you, just shut up your mind for a few minutes. But how She'Ree I have rent due tomorrow, I need to feed myself and my kids, a job to clock into in an hour, 5 dollars to your name, toxic family and relationships, and so on and so on. But the answer is to just, HUSHHHHHHHHH, stop thinking for once. One way to bring your mind back to the present moment is this:

Step 1: Look for everything that is red around you. Now find something yellow or blue, and play around with those colors. Look at what is around you; it will help you bring yourself back into the present moment because the answers are not in the past or future; they are only in the present moment, but it is so hard to be present because the system is trying everything in their hearts to kill our brains. Did you know our minds are purposely meant to protect us? Back in the day, our ancestors had to be aware if a tiger would run up, if the master would come and beat them, or if they were just simply trying to find water and food for the day. But since we are in a world today, what makes those things not that hard to find is that our minds trigger back to protection and survival mode, so it was hard in the past to walk in faith.

How can you walk in faith? The simple answer is to just walk. Walk like your eyes are closed and you don’t know where to go, because I promise you that even when it feels like the tunnel is dark, there is always a light at the end, and that light is from your higher self. Faith is believing without seeing. You have dreams and visions, right? Well, your faith comes from believing those dreams will become real eventually. You must start somewhere if you want a change in your life, but remember that the change is not just for you; it’s a change for the generations behind you. So, leave your mark-wise one. I love you and peace.


Good luck and stay strong


She’Ree Lattimore

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